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9月23日,北京市人大常委会副主任邢军、秘书长赵有光、副秘书长王照钺、文卫体委主任许文以及部分人大常委和代表到北京市档案局以及通县档案局检查了北京市贯彻执行《档案法》的情况。市档案局局长王国华及通县档案局负责人分别介绍了《档案法》公布一年来各级档案部门学习、宣传、贯彻、执行的情况。王国华同志指出,一年来,通过广播、电视、报刊、组织报告会和研讨会、登门宣讲等多种形式,使北京市《档案法》的学习逐渐深入,不但使档案干部提高了贯彻《档案法》的自觉性,而且增强了社会的档案意识和法制观念。市档案局依照《档案法》的有关规定,完善了档案工作规章制度,各档案馆的接收开放工作取得了明显的进展,档案工作机构、人员、经费、设备等实际问题逐步得到解决。全市档 On September 23, Xing Jun, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, Secretary-General Zhao Youguang, deputy secretary general Wang Zhaoguang, Wen Wei, director of the Physical Culture and Sports Commission Xu Wen, and some NPCSCs and delegates went to the Beijing Archives Bureau and the Tongxian Archives to examine the cities of Beijing Carrying out the “Archives Law” situation. Wang Guowa, Director of Bureau of Archives and Datong Bureau of Datong introduced the situation of studying, propagandizing, carrying out and executing archives departments at all levels in the past year. Comrade Wang Guohua pointed out that over the past year, the study of Archives Law in Beijing has been gradually deepened through radio, television, newspapers and periodicals, organization of seminars and seminars, and preaching at public places. This not only enhanced the implementation of Archives Law “Consciousness, but also enhance the social awareness of the file and the legal concept. According to the relevant provisions of the ”Archives Law," the Municipal Archives Bureau has perfected the rules and regulations on archives work. Significant progress has been made in the reception and opening work of all archives archives. The actual problems of the archivist organizations, personnel, funds and equipment have been gradually solved. The city’s file
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