Origin and Petrogenetic Implications of Spessartine Garnet in Highly-Fractionated Granite from the C

来源 :地质学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyhlj
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A highly-fractionated get-bearing muscovite granite represents the marginal granitic facies of the Abu-Diab multiphase pluton in the Central East Desert of Egypt. New electron microprobe analyses (EMPA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data from gets are reported, in order to constrain their origin and genesis. Get in the Abu-Diab host granite is euhedral to subhedral, generally homogeneous and, in rare cases, it shows weak zonation. The get contains appreciable amounts of MnO and FeO, with lesser amounts of MgO and CaO, yielding an end-member formula of Sps61–72Alm25–35Prp1–4Adr0–1. Moreover, it is depleted in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) with lower values of Ba, Nb and Sr relative to the primitive mantle. Additionally, it contains high concentrations of HREE and Y and their REE patt shows strong negative Eu anomalies. The get was crystallized under relatively low temperature (646°C–591°C) and pressure (< 3 kbar) conditions. The textural and chemical features indicate that the get is magmatic in origin and is chemically similar to that from highly-fractionated A-type granite. It was probably formed at the expense of biotite in a highly-evolved MnO-rich magma and/or by hydroxyl complexing of Mn during the ascending fluid phases.
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