在3月22日—24日于北京举行的2001年中国国际广播电视信息网络展览会上,我国信息通信行业的骨干企业上海贝尔,以满足运营商和普通用户对广电信息网建设及业务开展的需求为出发点,运用领先的信息通信网络技术和产品,结合中国普通百姓的消费需求,推出了广电网全面解决方案。上海贝尔面向广电网推出的解决方案包括:宽带综合业务网——HFC解决方案,在保留原有模拟和数字电视广播功能的基础上,提供VOD视频点播;Cable Modem终端及局端设备,充分利用CATV网的宽带性、高覆盖率、下行信道容量大等优势,为诸如因特网接入、网页浏览、电子文件传送、视频点
At the China International Broadcasting and Television Information Network Exhibition 2001 held in Beijing from March 22 to March 24, Shanghai Bell, the backbone enterprise of China’s information and communication industry, was established to meet the needs of operators and ordinary users in the construction of radio and television information network and business development Demand as a starting point, the use of leading information and communication network technology and products, combined with the consumption needs of ordinary Chinese people, launched a comprehensive solution to Canton grid. Shanghai Bell for broadcasting network solutions include: broadband integrated services network - HFC solution, while retaining the original analog and digital television broadcasting capabilities, based on the VOD video on demand; Cable Modem terminal and central office equipment, make full use of CATV network broadband, high coverage, downlink channel capacity and other advantages, such as Internet access, web browsing, electronic file transfer, video point