研究表明 ,艾滋病 (AIDS)相关的诸多症状及病情的进展可能与硒元素缺乏、CD4T细胞的下降有关。研究者发现 ,因AIDS死亡的成人和儿童都出现了血浆硒元素储备的极度耗竭和CD4T细胞计数的减少。这种并非偶然的现象说明 ,人体内存在一种正向反馈系统[1-4] 。在该系统中 ,因为硒是人
Studies have shown that AIDS-related symptoms and progression of the disease may be related to the lack of selenium and the decline of CD4 T cells. The researchers found that both adults and children who died of AIDS experienced extreme depletion in plasma selenium reserves and a decrease in CD4 T-cell counts. This not by chance means that there is a positive feedback system in the human body [1-4]. In this system, because selenium is human