2015年7月6日,一家名为黑客团队(Hacking Team)的意大利木马软件制造商引发了全球网络信息安全领域的广泛关注。该公司的400GB内部数据包被匿名黑客上传至互联网,与此同时,该公司的Twitter账户也被控制长达12个小时,以同步发布数据包中的文件。据悉,此次泄露的文件主要包括黑客团队公司与其客户往来的大量电子邮件和客户发票。到目前为止,被泄露文件所带来的影响在业界仍持续传播发酵。那么,黑客团队到底是一家什么样的公司,为什么会引发如此轩然大波,这
On July 6, 2015, an Italian trojan software maker, Hacking Team, led to widespread concern in the field of global network information security. The company’s 400GB internal data package was uploaded to the Internet by anonymous hackers, meanwhile, the company’s Twitter account was also controlled for up to 12 hours to synchronize the distribution of files in the package. It is reported that the leaked documents mainly include a large number of e-mail and customer invoices between the hacker team and its customers. So far, the impact of disclosure of documents in the industry continues to spread the fermentation. So, hackers in the end is what kind of company, why it will lead to such an uproar, which