在金针菇生产中制种及栽培料上常发生杂菌污染,轻则减产,重则绝收。常见的杂菌有细菌、酵母菌和霉菌,防治措施: 1.制种严把无菌关。①原种不带杂菌;②培养基(料)及接种用具要彻底灭菌;③接种过程要严格进行无菌操作。 2.选用抗逆性强的菌株。使用菌龄短,生活力强。长势旺盛的优质母种和原种,以使接种后尽快形成优质,抵制杂菌浸染。 3.培养料要新鲜、无霉变。做到当天配料,当天装袋(瓶)灭菌,尤其
In the production of mushroom production and planting materials often occur in the bacterial contamination, ranging from cut production, heavy is absolutely not received. Common bacteria are bacteria, yeasts and mold, control measures: 1. Seed production strict aseptic. ① original species without bacteria; ② medium (materials) and vaccination appliances to be completely sterilized; ③ vaccination process should be strictly aseptic operation. 2. Use strong strains resistant. Short use of bacteria, strong vitality. Growing high quality mother species and original species, so as soon as possible after inoculation to form a high quality, to resist the spread of bacteria. 3 training material to be fresh, no mildew. To do the day ingredients, bagging (bottle) sterilization, especially