山东师范大学政治法律学院张福记教授撰写的由人民出版社 2 0 0 2年出版的《近代中国社会演化与革命———新民主主义革命发生发展的历史根据研究》一书 ,其主要价值就在于以历史事实为根据 ,从社会现代化演变与革命运动的互动关系的视角 ,论证了新民主主义革命是先进生产力的
The main value of “The Historical Basis Research of the Development and Evolution of New Democratism in Modern China” published by People’s Publishing House in 2002 by Professor Zhang Fuji, Political and Legal College of Shandong Normal University published by People’s Publishing House Based on historical facts, from the perspective of the interactive relationship between the evolution of social modernization and the revolutionary movement, it is demonstrated that the new-democratic revolution is an advanced productive force