In general, foundry sand can no longer be used because the sand contains toxic residues such as organic binders and catalysts and can filter out the danger of contaminating the environment in the water. NeuSechage Industries, Germany, has developed a sand refurbishment system for the combustion of natural gas in the liquefied layer. By using this process, the foundry can reuse the treated sand multiple times as if using fresh sand. Refurbishment process is based on the sand has been used to adjust to promote its decomposition of the resin and the basic components of the oxide-forming steam and carbon dioxide heat treatment carried out. This facility was developed by NEU. NEU is a company that processes granular or powder products for the chemical industry and the agro-food industry and has considerable expertise in the treatment of polluting waste. The factory’s refurbished sand achieves comparable levels of performance to the clean new sand with up to 95% utilization. The exhaust gas is also treated to eliminate it