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随着世界经济日趋全球化、一体化,信息已经成为各国重要的战略资源,信息化成为当今经济与社会发展的必然趋势。信息时代的到来,国际信息技术与资金的转移引进,给起步较晚、发展迅猛的我国信息产业既带来了机遇,同时也面临严峻的挑战:我国信息产业规模小、产值低,基础设施配置不合理,商业化程度低,信息服务业不发达等问题阻碍了我国信息产业的快速、健康、持久发展。而中共中央关于国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标指出,未来5年乃至2010年,我国要加快国民经济信息化进程,积极发展信息产业和信息服务业。由此,我国信息产业将如何抓住机遇,趋利避害呢?本刊记者专程来到国家电子工业部,采访了刘剑锋副部长。建立一个强有力的软件产业和信息服务业记者:如今,我们已经跨入信息时代,频繁的信息交流与信息资源共享使整个世界都在变小。在这种氛围里,世界各国对信息产业表现出前所未有的热情,甚 With the globalization and integration of the world economy, information has become an important strategic resource for all countries. Informationization has become an inevitable trend in the current economic and social development. The arrival of the information age, the introduction of the transfer of international information technology and capital, not only bring opportunities to the late start and rapid development of China’s information industry, but also face severe challenges: China’s information industry is small-scale, low output value, infrastructure configuration Unreasonable, low commercialization and underdeveloped information service industries have hindered the rapid, healthy and sustained development of China’s information industry. The CPC Central Committee on the national economic and social development “95 ” plan and the 2010 vision pointed out that the next 5 years or even 2010, China should speed up the process of national economic information, and actively develop the information industry and information services. As a result, our information industry will seize the opportunity to profit and avoid disadvantages? Our reporter made a special trip to the State Department of Electronics Industry, interviewed Vice Minister Liu Jianfeng. Establish a Strong Software Industry and Information Service Industry Reporter: Nowadays, we have stepped into the information age, and the frequent exchange of information and sharing of information resources has made the whole world smaller. In this atmosphere, all countries in the world have shown unprecedented enthusiasm in the information industry
学生创造力的培养有利于“学术自由、兼容并包”的教育理想的实现,本文从四个方面提出了保护学生异质思维的建议。 The cultivation of students ’creativity is conducive
1996年3月20日,在北京中国大饭店举行了 GLOBAL ONE 国际合资公司成立新闻发布会。GLOBALONE 是由德国电信、法国电信和美国斯普林特公司三家合资组成的电信公司,这三家公司
患者女性,18岁,入院前3天因受凉后感畏寒、发热、头痛,同时出现呕吐胃内容物5次,非喷射性。入院前1天出现右眼不能睁开。查体:T 38.4℃,神志清楚,双下肢皮肤可见散在瘀点及
患儿,女,7岁。于3个月前突感右手及下肢麻木,运动障碍,某医院按小儿麻痹治疗月余无效;入我院。1 查体生命体征正常。颈椎呈前倾位,不能转动;四肢肌肉萎缩,上肢腱反射消失,下