痣和疣都是很常见的皮肤病。前者多为先天性或在生后多年才出现,多发生在面部,身体暴露的部位或其他部分;后者是一种由病毒通过接触传染引起,可发生在身体上的任何部位。两者共同的特点是进展缓慢,治疗上难以奏效。组织病理部位主要在表皮,真皮仅有轻微的改变。痣若突然增大,发展迅速或治疗不当可以引起恶变。 利用激光治疗痣和疣目前国内外还很少报导。1963年国外曾应用红宝石激光器照射移植在田鼠身上的恶性黑色素瘤,使之破坏消失,并有报导激光治疗皮肤癌比普通手术刀和高频
Mole and warts are very common skin diseases. The former is mostly congenital or many years after birth appear, mostly in the face, body parts exposed or other parts; the latter is a virus caused by contact with infection, can occur in any part of the body. The common feature of both is the slow progress, treatment is difficult to work. Histopathologic sites mainly in the epidermis, dermis only slight changes. Mole suddenly increased, rapid development or improper treatment can cause malignant transformation. The use of laser treatment of moles and warts at home and abroad are still rarely reported. In 1963, foreign countries have applied ruby laser irradiation transplanted in the field mouse vole malignant melanoma, so vandalism disappeared, and there are reports of laser treatment of skin cancer than ordinary scalpel and high frequency