以GB/T 3259—1992《中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写方法》和GB/T 16159—1996《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》为依据,对2012年出版的100种中华系列和200种非中华系列医学期刊的刊名汉语拼音规范化情况进行调查分析。结果显示有115种(38.3%)期刊刊名的汉语拼音不符合国家标准。对存在的典型错例进行了辨析,并给出了相关建议。“,”One hundred medical journals of Chinese medicine series and 200 other medical journals published in 2012 were surveyed on their Chinese pinyin of journal titles,based on GB/T3259—1992 Transliterating rules of Chinese phonetic alphabet on titles for books and periodicals in Chinese and GB/T16159—1996 Basic rules for Hanyu Pinyin orthography.We found that the Chinese pinyin of 115(38.3%) titles of medical journals did not conform to the national standard.The existing problems are analyzed and relevant suggestions are proposed based on GB/T3259—1992 and GB/T16159—1996.