往事是故事,往事是思绪;往事是牵挂,往事是回忆。回忆往事,寄托我们对亲人、对朋友的怀念与牵挂;叙述往事,抒发我们对亲人、对朋友的感激和思念。回忆, 让我们从往事中感受亲情和友爱;叙述,让我们从往事中学会对爱的感激和表述。“往事知多少”,“父母的爱”我们“永远不会忘记”,让我们“常怀感激,温馨无限”。生活中的一切部将成为回忆,成为记忆中的往事。让往事伴随我们走过各自的人生之路,让今天的故事成为未来值得回忆的往事。
The past is a story, the past is a thought; the past is a concern, and the past is a memory. Recalling the past, sustenance of our loved ones and our friends’ memories and concerns; narrative of the past, express our gratitude and thoughts to our loved ones and friends. Memories, let us feel affection and love from the past; narrative, let us learn from the past will appreciate love and expression. “How much is known in the past?” “Parents’ love” we “will never forget”. Let us “given gratitude and infinite indulgence”. Everything in life will become memories and memories. Let past events accompany us through our lives and make today’s story a memorable past.