引例在数列1和100之间插入n个实数,使得这n+2个实数构成递增的等比数列,将这n+2个数的乘积记为Tn,再令an=lgTn(n≥1),求数列{an}的通项公式.该题考查数列概念、通项公式、等比数列、指数,对数运算等基本知识,起步方法较多,命题组提供的参考答案是这样的:设t1,t2,…,tn+2,构成等比数列,其中t1=1,tn+2=100,则Tn=t1·t2·…·tn+1·tn+2 1
The example inserts n real numbers between the numbers 1 and 100 such that the n + 2 real numbers make an increasing series of equal numbers, the product of the n + 2 numbers is denoted as Tn, and then an = lgTn (n ≧ 1) , The number of columns {an} general formula.This question examines the concept of sequence, the general formula, geometric sequence, index, logarithm operation and other basic knowledge, starting method more, the proposition group provides the reference answer is this: t1, t2, ..., tn + 2, constituting a geometric progression, where t1 = 1, tn + 2 = 100 then Tn = t1 · t2 ··· · tn + 1 · tn + 2 1