多哇乡是青海省同仁县的一个牧业乡,畜牧业是该乡经济的支柱产业。但是随着时间的推移,由于自然的、人为的因素影响,这一地区的生态环境越来越显恶化。“黑土滩”大面积形成,以狼毒、黄花棘豆为优势种的毒杂草丛生,一些河流水源干涸,草场退化严重,牲畜品种老化,牧民文化水平低,交通道路不畅, 没有照明用电,看不到电视,信息闭塞,牧民群众的思想观念比较落后,这些因素严重制约了多哇乡畜牧业
Wow township is a livestock husbandry in Tongren County, Qinghai Province, animal husbandry is the township’s economic pillar industries. However, with the passage of time, due to natural and man-made factors, the ecological environment in this area has become increasingly deteriorated. “Black earth beach ” formed a large area, with the poisonous weeds dominated by Euphorbia lupulus and Oxytropis cochinchinensis, some river water dried up, the grassland degenerated seriously, the breeds of livestock aged, the culture level of herdsmen low, the traffic route was poor and there was no Lighting electricity, can not see the television, information is blocked, herdsmen’s ideas are relatively backward, these factors seriously hampered the more Wow livestock