伦理是人与人之间固定为习俗、规矩的 秩序和关系,生态伦理则是指人与自然之间 的一种谐调融洽、符合人类生存和自然进化 基本规律的关系。虽然伦理学没有明确将人 与自然的关系纳入研究范围,但中国山水画 中却早就注意到了人与自然的关系。在中国 山水画家看来,人与自然是相互沟通的,山 水画所追求的就是人与自然和谐相处的境 界。以下从山水画的宇宙观、山水画的“比 德”观、山水画与传统文化的关系等三个方 面论述山水画中的生态伦理观念。
Ethics is the order and the relationship fixed between people and the customs and rules. The ecological ethics refers to the harmony between man and nature, which is in line with the basic rules of human existence and natural evolution. Although ethics did not explicitly include the relationship between man and nature in the study area, the relationship between man and nature has long been noticed in Chinese landscape paintings. In the view of Chinese landscape painters, man and nature communicate with each other, and the landscape paintings are pursuing a realm in which people and nature live in harmony. The following discusses the concept of ecological ethics in landscape painting from three aspects: the cosmology of landscape painting, the concept of “Beide” of landscape painting and the relationship between landscape painting and traditional culture.