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This article emphatcaiily explores the way to increase the gas-carrying effect of zeoliterock bymeans of ypemodification treatment.In the experiment,six different kinds of zeolite rock with two sizes each(1.2-0.6mm,0.6-0.3mm)were used as the samples.The reagents used here included HCl(1.5N),NH_4Cl(0.7N)andthe mixture of HCl(1.5N)and NH_4Cl(0.75N).The samples were heated by a circulation conden-ser so as to be changed into 3 new types,type H~+,type NH_4~+and mixed type.The experimental re-sults showed that boiling HCl is the most effective for increasing the amount of gas produced,the less effective is soaking in the mixture and the worst is soaking in NH_4Cl.In the first 5minutes after Changing in type,zeolite rock had the maximum gas-producing speed,and at theend of 48 hours it kept on producing gases,though slowly.The optimum dehydration tempera-ure of zeolite rock ranges usually from 500℃ to 300℃,at which zeolite rock produces gas at themaximum speed,while at 200℃ it produces gas at the minimum speed.From he experimentalresults with XRD and DTA it follows tha after changing in type the purity of zeolite is inc-eased and because of its super-porosity effect the amounyt of gas produced is increased too. This article emphatcaiily explores the way to increase the gas-carrying effect of zeoliterock bymeans of ypemodification treatment. The experiment, the six different kinds of zeolite rock with two sizes each (1.2-0.6mm, 0.6-0.3mm) were used as the samples The reagents used here included HCl (1.5N), NH 4 Cl (0.7N) and the mixture of HCl (1.5N) and NH 4 Cl (0.75N). The samples were heated by a circulant-ser so as to be changed into 3 new types, type H ~ +, type NH_4 ~ + and mixed type. the experimental re-sults showed that boiling HCl is the most effective for increasing the amount of gas produced, the less effective is soaking in the mixture and the worst is soaking in NH 4 Cl. In the first 5 minutes after Changing in type, zeolite rock had the maximum gas-producing speed, and at the end of 48 hours it kept on producing gases, though slowly. Temperatures of zeolite rock usually from 500 ° C at 300 ℃, at which zeolite rock produces gas at the maximum speed, while at 200 ℃ it produces gas at the minimum speed. Frohe experimental results with XRD and DTA it follows tha after changing in type the purity of zeolite is inc-eased and because of its super-porosity effect the amounyt of gas produced is increased too.
硅锰合金中磷钼蓝分光光度法测定磷,试样分解必须在铂金皿中进行,经过试验,本文介绍用GG—17烧杯代替铂金皿。 分析方法:称试样0.2500g,置于100mlGG—17烧杯中,加15滴氢氟酸
.炉子的主要技术性能形式x数址加热温度加热能力燃料 步进梁式XZ座 9。八、1250℃ 13:t/h(2。~1 Zjo℃)泥合气体,发热量11.SMJ/m“ 有效长度 J沪内宽度 炉内高度板坯尺寸 厚
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旋转光电式编码器是一种直线、角度位移速度传感器。长春市第一光学仪器厂根据1985年8月与日本沙姆塔克株式会社合作生产的编码器经鉴定已达到日本同类产品的水平。 本项目设
C 7220型液压仿形车床,是轴承行业广泛使用的主要生产设备之一。由于轴承生产的特点是批量大,效率高,这就要求机床使用性能好,便于调试和维修。为确保机床正常运转,缩短维修
本文根据金属在锥形模中的变形特点, 求出了模壁对弯曲毛坯第一个支撑点的位置和毛坯在锥形模中的最大弯曲;确定了锥形模膛的最小长度、模腔锥角与毛坯长度的关系;利用压杆塑
教练亲自上阵    说起欧洲俱乐部的预备队,国内媒体习惯于将其称为“xx青年队”,毕竟在很多人的意识中,“预备队”和“青年队”是一个概念。可事情却没有这么简单,所谓“预备队”固然主要由俱乐部内部的年轻球员组成,但偶然出现几个成年甚至中老年也是在所难免。  在今年10月进行的英超预备队联赛中,由于伯恩利预备队连遭伤病打击凑不齐阵容,一队主教练科伊尔只能亲自上阵,现年43岁的他与一群可以当自己儿子的球