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临床资料治疗组20例,男14例,女6例.年龄:14岁~63岁,内源性哮喘10例,混合性哮喘7例,外源性哮喘3例.对照组20例,男11例,女9例,年龄:12岁~61岁,内源性哮喘8例,混合性哮喘4例,外源性哮喘7例.治疗方法:治疗组每日晨间一次顿服强的松30mg,7天为一个疗程,对照组常规给予β_2受体兴奋剂和茶碱类,疗程为7天.疗效判定标准:显效:临床症状消失,FEV_1提高50%以上;好转:症状改善,FEV_1提高30%~50%;无效:症状无缓解,FEV_1提高<20%. Clinical data Treatment group of 20 patients, 14 males and 6 females.Age: 14 years old to 63 years, 10 cases of endogenous asthma, 7 cases of mixed asthma, 3 cases of exogenous asthma.Control group of 20 patients, male 11 Cases, female 9 cases, age: 12 years old to 61 years old, 8 cases of endogenous asthma, mixed asthma in 4 cases, exogenous asthma in 7. Treatment: The treatment group once daily morning meal prednisone 30mg , 7 days for a course of treatment, the control group routinely given β_2 receptor agonists and theophylline, the course of treatment for 7 days.Clinical criteria: effective: disappearance of clinical symptoms, FEV_1 increased by 50%; improvement: improved symptoms, FEV_1 increased 30 % ~ 50%; invalid: no relief of symptoms, FEV_1 increased by <20%.
1 Problem and algorithmMANY computing tasks arising from computational physics, chemistry and biology are relatedto solving so-called generalized eigen-decompo
Aim: To determine the frequencies of polymorphism and haplotype in the transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-1) gene promoter in the Chinese population and to
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Aim:To investigate the effect of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ASODN) tar-geting Pim-2 on cell proliferation of DU-145 cells.Methods:Three ASODN target-ing
【摘 要】节能减排的要求越来越严格,循环流化床机组应用越来越广泛。锅炉汽包水位是锅炉和汽轮机安全正常运行的重要参数。笔者就300MW循环流化床机组汽包水位保护进行浅析。  【关键词】锅炉;汽包水位;保护  中图分类号:TG502.31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5158(2013)03-0206-02  引言  经过近20年的迅速发展,国外循环流化床技术已趋于成熟。无论是锅炉本身的大