
来源 :新疆中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gnayief
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三七,别名参三七、滇七、田七、金不换等,为五加科多年生草本植物的干燥根,主产于云南、广西等地。其味甘微苦,性温,入肝、胃、心、小肠经。《本草纲目》谓其“止血、散血、定痛……目赤肿痛,虎咬蛇伤诸病”,《医学衷中参西录》载其能祛腐生新,治痢疾下血,肠中腐烂, Three or seven, aliased to Panax notoginseng, Poria seven, Tianqi, Jinbuchang, etc., are the dry roots of the perennial herb of the Chinese acacia, mainly produced in Yunnan, Guangxi and other places. The sweet and slightly bitter, warm, into the liver, stomach, heart, small intestine. “Compendium of Materia Medica” stated that it “stops bleeding, disperses blood, and ache ... red eyes and throats, tiger bites, snakes, wounds, and other diseases”. “Medical Going to Participate in the Western Record” contains new materials to cure diarrhea and intestines. Rotted in
100g/kg莲须煎剂可使小鼠子宫和卵巢重量增加,10g/kg莲须可明显提高小鼠痛阈和抑制冰醋酸引起的扭体反应。44mg/ml莲须可使正常兔、孕兔和孕小鼠离体子宫平滑肌收缩力增加 100g/kg lotus