对湖北省种植面积较大的 11个三系杂交稻组合的抗性研究发现 ,均不抗我省白叶枯病优势菌群Ⅳ致病型代表菌株浙 173和稻瘟病。这将使我省水稻白叶枯病和稻瘟病大发生存在潜在威胁。根据我省水稻生产实际 ,提出相应的策略。
The study on the resistance of 11 three-line hybrid rice combinations with larger planting area in Hubei Province showed that none of them was resistant to the dominant isolates of Zhejiang bacterial blight disease type Zhejiang strain 173 and rice blast blight. This will make our province rice bacterial blight and rice blast large potential threat exists. According to the actual rice production in our province, put forward corresponding strategies.