在大众传播研究领域,一个最富争议的主题之一,是大众在信息的生产与传播中的地位以及由此带来的文化政治问题。大众是否以及在多大程度上能够参与信息的生产与传播过程?是主动地接受信息,还是被动地受信息的引导,乃至完全丧失自己的独立性与主动性,沦落为传媒的奴隶?显然,与大众传播相关的传播类型迥异于日常生活中的交流(“交流”与“传播”在英语中都是 communica-tion)。在日常生活的交流中,交流双方是面对面(face toface)的,信息的流动一般也是双向的《对话性的);而在
In the field of mass communication research, one of the most controversial topics is the mass public’s status in the production and dissemination of information and the cultural and political issues it brings. Whether and to what extent can the general public be able to participate in the process of production and dissemination of information? Are they willing to accept information or are they passively guided by information and even lose their independence and initiative altogether and become slaves to the media? Obviously, The type of communication related to mass communication is very different from the communication in daily life (“communication” and “communication” are both communica- tion in English). In the exchange of daily life, the two sides face to face (face toface), the flow of information is generally two-way “dialogue”; and in