2011年,在吉林市磨盘山次生林建立了1hm2的永久样地,调查了样地内胸径(DBH≧1cm)的所有紫椴个体。该样地共有紫椴653株,平均胸径6.39cm。运用Ripley’s K函数分析了紫椴种群的空间分布格局。结果表明:1)所有紫椴个体以及紫椴幼树(DBH<10cm)、紫椴小树(10cm≤DBH<20cm)在空间上呈聚集分布格局,紫椴大树(DBH≥20cm)在空间上随机分布;2)不同发育阶段紫椴个体在空间上呈负关联关系。次生林紫椴的空间格局与紫椴的更新策略和种子传播有关。
In 2011, 1 hm2 of permanent plots were established in the secondary forest of Mopanshan Mountain in Jilin City, and all the Tilia amurensis individuals with DBH ≧ 1 cm were investigated. The sample contains 653 strains of Tilia amurensis with average diameter of 6.39 cm. The spatial distribution of Tilia amurensis populations was analyzed by Ripley’s K function. The results showed that: 1) All the Tilia amurensis individuals, Tilia amurensis (DBH> 10cm) and Tilia amurensis (10cm≤DBH <20cm) Were randomly distributed; 2) Tilia amurensis in different developmental stages showed a negative correlation in space. The spatial distribution of secondary forest Tilia amurensis is related to the renewal strategy of Tilia amurensis and seed propagation.