米尔福德礼拜堂的司事站在廊子上忙着拉扯系钟的绳子。村里的老人弯腰曲背沿街走来。孩子们笑脸盈盈,跳跳蹦蹦地跟在父母身边,有的则神气十足地迈着庄重的步子,显示自己一身过礼拜日的新装。衣冠楚楚的小伙子侧眼偷觑好看的姑娘们,觉得礼拜日的阳光使她们比平时更为动人。当人群大部分走进礼拜堂的门廊后,司事开始摇钟,同时注视着胡波牧师的门口。牧师一出现就是停止钟声的信号。 “胡波牧师可弄了什么在他脸上呵?”司事惊讶地大叫。听见的人全都立刻转过身来,望见胡波牧师若有所思地缓缓
The director of the Milford Chapel stood on the porch busy pulling the clock’s rope. The old man in the village bent over and walked along the street. The children, with their smiling faces, leaping and jumping around with their parents, while others were solemnly striding solemnly to show their new costumes on Sunday. Well-dressed young man stares at the good-looking girls, believing Sunday sunshine makes them more touching than usual. When most of the crowd walked into the porch of the chapel, the secretary started to shake the clock while watching the remembrance of Pastor Hubo at the door. As soon as the priest appeared, it was the signal to stop the bell. “What’s going to happen to Rev. Hu Polo on his face?” The Secretary shouted in surprise. All of those who heard immediately turned around and saw Pastor Hupo pondering thoughtfully