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在整顿之后,每个出版社面临着新的抉择是什么呢?一是出书质量要高;二是好书品种要多,印数要大;三是价格要便宜,薄利多销。哪个出版社能做到,就能在竞争中生存、发展。反之,虽能热闹于一时,但终会在无声无息中消失。最近,四川巴蜀书社推出一套“古代文史名著选译丛书”,丛书共50种约1200万字。江泽民同志为这套书题词:“做好我国文史名著的传播普及工作,使其古为今用,以发扬爱国主义精神。”江泽民同志在翻阅这套丛书的时候还说:这套丛书很好,它不仅对于青年学生有用,而且对于大学、中学教师也很有用,甚至连有一定文史基础的上了年纪的人读一读,也很有好处。这套丛书精选了先秦至明清有代表性的佳作,以文学、历史为主,兼及哲学、政治、经济,科技等方面,用现代白话文加以今译。比较通俗,可读性很强。丛书被国家教委列入中、小学图书馆(室)必备书目。从这套丛书联想到出版界面临的抉择,首先是出版者要出好书。多出好书是出版者把社会效益放在首位的标志,是社会的需要,也是两个文明建设的需要,巴蜀书社的这套丛书,好就好在是名著,出版的质量高,它的出版,使读者了解祖国优秀文化,了解祖国历史,帮助人民提高文化素质,激励人们发扬爱国主义精神。其实不仅是巴蜀书社如此。去年平息反革命暴乱以后,经过扫黄、整顿出版社,许多出版社端正了指导思想,致力于多出好书,一大批好书已经问世,如北京出版社的《马克思主义哲学史》(第6.7卷)、辽宁人民出版社的《企事业改革家列传》、辽宁少儿出版社的《五千年演义》、山东 After the reorganization, what is the new choice that each publishing house is facing? First, the quality of the books should be higher; second, good book varieties should be printed in larger numbers; third, the prices should be cheaper and the puerile. Which publishers can do, we can survive in the competition, development. On the contrary, although it can be lively for a while, it will eventually disappear silently. Recently, Sichuan Shu Shu Publishing House launched a series of “Selected Works of Classical Chinese Literature and History”, a total of 50 kinds of about 12 million words. Comrade Jiang Zemin inscribed this book: “We should do a good job in popularizing and popularizing the famous literary and historical work in our country so that it will be used for the sake of the past and carry forward the spirit of patriotism.” Comrade Jiang Zemin said at the time of reading this series of books: This series is very good and not only Useful for young students, but also for college, secondary school teachers are also useful, and even have a certain literary history of the elderly read, is also very good. Selected books from the pre-Qin to the Ming and Qing dynasties are featured in this collection of books, mainly translated from the modern vernacular in the fields of philosophy, politics, economy, science and technology, with emphasis on literature and history. More popular, highly readable. Books by the State Board of Education included in primary and secondary library (room) essential books. From the series of books think of the publishing industry to face the choice, the first is the publisher to a good book. More good books is a publisher of social benefits in the first place is a sign of social needs, but also the needs of the two civilizations, Bashu bookstore of this series, it is good is famous, published high-quality, its Publication, so that readers understand the excellent culture of the motherland, understand the history of the motherland, help people improve their cultural quality, encourage people to carry forward the spirit of patriotism. In fact, not only Bashu book club so. After the anti-revolutionary riots were settled down last year, after having eliminated the Yellow Sea and rectified their publishing houses, many publishers have taken a correct direction and devoted themselves to making good books. A large number of good books have been published, such as the “History of Marxist Philosophy” by Beijing Publishing House (Volume 6.7 ), Liaoning People’s Publishing House, “Biography of enterprises and reformers,” Liaoning Children’s Publishing House “five thousand years of romance,” Shandong
[本刊讯] 由民族团结杂志社编辑部编著、辽宁民族出版社出版的《情满神州——中国,五十六个兄弟》一书,作为向党的70周年献礼书目,即将在今年6月上旬出版发行.该书以通讯、
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