Database Development Based on MFC Application in Management of Curriculum Information

来源 :智能信息管理(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yecao126128
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There are hundreds of records in the curriculum of our Language Learning Lab every semester and every record has several important properties. It takes too much time to manage the information in the traditional way and it always makes mistakes. Managing t
【正】 我们永宁县图书馆现有职工十三名,其中女同志十名;馆舍面积近一千平方米,藏书七万余册。几年来,我们不断改进工作,热情为广大读者服务,想方设法扩大图书流通,仅1985年
In the privacy preservation of association rules, sensitivity analysis should be reported after the quantification of items in terms of their occurrence. The tr
Information has always been an integral component of business strategy. However, with the rise of information technology (IT) and globalization of businesses, i
【正】 《银川小志》成书于清朝乾隆年间。作者汪绎辰,浙江钱塘人,乾隆十九年在宁夏太守赵竹堂署中担任家庭教师。赵竹堂令其在讲课之暇删摘旧志,编篡新志,汪绎辰在罗列、归
本文是1955年英国(伦敦)分类法研究小组(The Classification Research Group)向英国图书馆协会及联合国教科文组织提交的一份备忘录。这份备忘录是分类法研究史上的一个重要