虽然系统性硬皮病的疗法很多,但效果常不一致,甚或相互矛盾,故迄今尚无肯定有效疗法。本文旨在对近几年来有关进展作一回顾。 皮质类固醇虽广泛应用于系统性硬皮病,但并没有确实效果,有人认为反可促发肾衰,免疫抑制剂同样无效,故在本文中对二者未予述及。 一、传统的疗法,新的临床试验 1.秋水仙硷及其衍化物:1967年Housset试用三甲基秋水仙硷治疗系统性硬皮病,几个月后,局限于手指或弥漫性硬皮病的皮肤变软。以后续有报道,结果并不一致,接受治疗人数都不多。
Although there are many systemic scleroderma treatments, the effects are often inconsistent or even contradictory. So far, there is no definite and effective treatment. This article aims to make a review of the progress made in recent years. Although widely used in systemic scleroderma, corticosteroids have no real effect. Some people think that anti-renal failure and immunosuppressive drugs are equally ineffective, so they are not mentioned in this article. First, the traditional therapies, new clinical trials 1. Colchicine and its derivatives: 1967 Housset Trimethoprim test for the treatment of systemic scleroderma, a few months later, confined to the fingers or diffuse crust Sick skin becomes soft. Subsequent reports, the results are not consistent, not many people receive treatment.