五角大楼的分析家们认为,载大型孔径雷达的高空气球可能是反隐身的一种经济措施。美国防部的最新资料表明,载于高空平台的雷达与其他探测器配合,便于探测和跟踪严重杂波干扰下的低可观测度目标。随着材料技术的发展,困扰高空气球的许多问题已获得解决。目前美国正在研制有效载荷较高的高空气球(尤其是载大孔径L波段雷达),并能在高空漂浮几周或几个月。美国TCOM公司能将一种最新型的球形高空气球漂浮在约20公里的高空,在最恶劣的气象条件下一次升空至少停留30天,费用1 000~2 000万美元(包括系留系统和地面支援车辆)。该公司还采用新材料解决了高
Analysts at the Pentagon believe the high-altitude balloon containing a large aperture radar could be an anti-stealth economic measure. Recent updates from the U.S. Department of Defense show that radars mounted on high-altitude platforms, in conjunction with other detectors, make it easy to detect and track low observability targets under severe clutter interference. With the development of materials technology, many problems that plague high-altitude balloons have been solved. At present, the United States is developing a high-altitude balloon with a high payload (especially a large aperture L-band radar) and can float at high altitudes for several weeks or months. TCOM Company of the United States can float a new type of spherical high-altitude balloon at a height of about 20 km and lift it for at least 30 days under the harshest weather conditions at a cost of $ 1 million to $ 20 million (including mooring system and Ground Support Vehicles). The company also adopted new materials to solve the high