农业问題引起了全国上下的普遍关注。去冬今春以来,党中央、国务院接连开了几次会议。作出若干重要决定,采取了一系列重要措施,决心解决目前农村改革和发展中存在的紧迫问题,以保证农业继续稳定的发展。那么,目前农村究竟出了什么问题呢? 我国农村幅员辽阔,农村工作千头万绪,各地情况千差万别,要列出各种问题,需要一个挺长的单子;而目前农村问题的核心,恐怕是农民生产积极性受到挫伤而下降。马克思主义常识告诉我们,劳动者是生产力中最
The agricultural issue has caused widespread concern throughout the country. Since the winter and spring, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have held several meetings one after another. Took a number of important decisions and took a series of important measures to resolve the pressing problems in the current rural reform and development so as to ensure the sustained and steady development of agriculture. So what is the problem in rural areas at present? In our country, with vast rural areas and a multitude of rural areas, the situations in various places vary widely. To list various problems requires a rather long list. At present, the core issue of rural areas is probably that Peasants’ enthusiasm for production has been dampened and declined. Marxist common sense tells us that workers are the most productive