
来源 :民族画报(汉文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyh
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记者还没走进南宁市武鸣县太平镇庆乐小学的校门,就远远地听到一阵朗朗的读书声。步入民族特色明显的校门之后,眼前是一片宽敞的操场,远处是一排教室以及学生宿舍和教师办公室。在操场边,树立着介绍民族文化遗产和文化知识的宣传栏。在教室前,有两棵冠盖高大、浓荫蔽日的榕树。庆乐小学创建于1950年,是一所壮族聚居区的村级完全小学,98%以上的学生都是壮族。作为壮汉双语教学实验校 Reporter did not walk into Nanning City Wuping County Taiping Zhen Qingle primary school gate, far to hear a while Lang Lang’s reading sound. After entering the distinctive school gate, the front is a spacious playground, with a row of classrooms and student dormitories and teachers’ offices in the distance. In the playground, set up a propaganda column introducing national cultural heritage and cultural knowledge. In front of the classroom, there are two banyan trees covered with tall, thick shade trees. Founded in 1950, Qingle Primary School is a village-level complete primary school inhabited by Zhuang people. Over 98% of the students are Zhuang nationality. As a strong bilingual teaching experimental school
1.概述 河南大学礼堂(以下简称礼堂)座落在开封市河南大学校园中央;是一座外观为三层,内为两层的大型组合宫殿式建筑,它规模宏大、气势雄伟,庄重典雅,凡目睹其雄姿的专家、
In this paper the plane elasticity problem for a functionally graded strip containing a crack is considered. It is assumed that the reciprocal of the shear modu
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1.狐狸打算在房前屋后栽10排树,每排长40米,每隔2米栽一棵(两头都栽)。他自己不愿意干这活,于是便贴出了招工启示。 1. The fox intends to plant 10 rows of trees in fron
一块布长15米,宽1.2米,用这块布剪两条直角边分别为4分米和3分米的直角三角形小旗。请问最多能剪出多少面小旗? A piece of cloth is 15 meters long and 1.2 meters wide.
北海是一座美丽的皇家园林。之前,生在北京的我,却只从书上知道它的存在,以及它的壮观。上个星期天,我才第一次去游北海。 Beihai is a beautiful royal garden. Before, I
The effects of postthermal treatment and irradiation time on the structure and thermal stability of TiO2/polyacrylate nano- composites by a sol-gel process in r