
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaodong618
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为进一步增强规划建设管理人员的保护意识,使其掌握保护方法,日前,四川省住房和城乡建设厅举办传统村落暨历史文化名镇名村保护培训班,对全省国家级传统村落、国家级历史文化名镇名村所在镇(乡)规划建设管理人员和各市(州)住房城乡建设行政主管部门村镇工作管理人员、四川省国家级传统村落和国家级历史文化名镇名村所在县(区)住房城乡建设行政主管部门村镇工作管理 In order to further enhance the protection consciousness of planning, construction and management personnel and make them master the protection methods, a few days ago, Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a training course on the protection of famous villages and villages in the traditional villages and historic and cultural towns, Historical and cultural towns and villages in the town (township) planning and construction management personnel and cities (prefectures) urban and rural construction administrative departments in charge of village and town management personnel, Sichuan Province, the traditional village and the national historical and cultural towns and villages where the county (District Housing Urban and rural construction administrative departments in charge of village and town management
摘 要:企业外汇市场风险管理是由本币、外币和时间3个因素所构成的。本文阐释了外汇市场风险的识别,并针对我国企业面临的外汇市场风险提出了具体的防范措施。  关键词:外汇市场风险管理;风险识别;风险防范;金融  中图分类号:F275 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-3309(z).2012.02.23 文章编号:1672-3309(2012
影响一个国家或一个地区社会生活的因素是多方面的,其中稳定、合理的物价水平是最重要、最直接的因素之一。更值得强调的是,餐饮价格的稳定与平和, There are many factors