Behind the blood diamonds is the jewelers ’bid for the scarce resource of diamonds. Oscars’ hottest movies this year are “Blood Diamonds” and “The Magic Devil” (but both eventually failed to win the list). If we say that there is some sort of logical relationship between them, the two stories are packed together, probably can be interpreted like this: a “heart-sized” pink diamonds on the Sewa River in Sierra Leone was early in his ten’s The miners found themselves quickly falling into the hands of the armed forces chief in charge of the local mines and the small miners were given a day’s food and a bag of milk; immediately they provoked several armed clashes between rebel and regular forces, a group of hand-held Soldiers of the AK arms also participated in the fighting and are known as “Angel of Death,” while some of their children are begging for food in refugee camps outside the trenches; shortly thereafter, the diamonds are exchanged for a retired arms dealer , Then follow him to London via Liberia; here, it