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香港廉政公署有一条重要经验:零度容忍,“不论是大贪还是小贪,100元,10元,甚至1元都要处理。”香港廉政公署的反腐体制、经验为世人所瞩目,被许多国家所效仿。且不论贪污一元是否会惩处、怎么惩处,但他们“零度容忍”的这种反贪决心、标准、力度确实非常值得我们学习。应该说,多年来,我们的反腐工作力度越来越大,但许多地方许多时候在具体操作上却自觉不自觉地“抓大放小”。对大贪深恶痛绝,对小贪恨不起来,习以为常,这似乎形成了一种集体无意识。与此相应的,职能部门对大案要案高度重视,全力侦破,对大量的一般的违纪、腐败行为重视很不够,要么无暇顾及,听之任之,要么处理起来就宽不就严,网开一面,搞温情主义,有的地方不是干脆成文不成文地规定:多少多少元以下的案子不受理了 The Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong has one important lesson: zero tolerance, “whether it is big or small, 100 yuan, 10 yuan or even 1 yuan.” “The anti-corruption system of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption, which has attracted worldwide attention, has been Many countries follow suit. And no matter how punishing a dollar will be punished, the anti-corruption determination, standards and intensity of their ”zero tolerance “ really deserve our study. It should be said that over the years, our anti-corruption work has been intensified, but in many places many times we consciously and unconsciously operate ”to let it go". It seems to have formed a kind of collective unconsciousness that they are abhorrent to the big greedy and are not accustomed to small hatred. Correspondingly, the functional departments attach great importance to major cases and cases, fully solve them, and attach great importance to a large number of general disciplinary cases of discipline and corruption. They either have time to take care of them or handle them without exception. Temperament, in some places is not simply written unwritten rules: how much the number of dollars or less cases are not accepted
介绍了均布孔所在圆周直径的简易测量方法 :测量出相邻两孔中心距L ,再乘以一个系数K ,即为孔所在圆周的直径D =L·K。 A simple method for measuring the diameter of a c
假若材料从烧结温度能足够快地冷却,则一些粉末冶金材料不需要进行后续热处理就能形成马氏体组织.这些粉末冶金材料叫做“烧结硬化”钢.部分合金化粉Distaloy 4800A和添加铜