英文缩写“SARS”即汉文的“非典”,极短的时间内已成为了人们家喻户晓的称谓。面对“非典”的肆虐,党和政府把保障人民的身体健康放在了高于一切的地位,组织各方面力量对突袭而来的疫情进行抗击,充分体现出党和政府对人民的高度负责态度;医护人员在抗击“非典”的斗争中,冲杀在最前沿,不仅要救死扶伤,更要面对被感染的威胁甚至死神的召唤,他们不退缩,筑起了抗击疫情、消灭病毒的坚强防线,向人们展示出白衣天使的精神风貌与崇高品格。人们相信,在党和政府的正确领导下,万众一心,众志成城,抗击“非典”斗争肯定会在不久的将来取得胜利。 尽管“非典”给人们带来了灾难,带来了恐慌,打乱了正常的社会生活,给社会、行业造成了经济
The acronym “SARS” is the Chinese version of “SARS” and has become a household name in a very short period of time. In the face of the “SARS” wreaking havoc, the party and the government have placed the all-round protection of the health of the people above all others, organized various forces to fight the outbreak of the raids and fully demonstrated the party’s and the government’s high responsibility to the people Attitudes; In the fight against “SARS”, medical and nursing personnel have to rush to the forefront not only to help them save lives but also to face the threat of being infected and even the call of death. They have not retreated and built a strong line of defense against outbreaks and virus elimination , To show people the spirit of white angel costumes and lofty character. People believe that under the correct leadership of the party and the government, it is bound to win victory in the near future with the will of the masses and the one with one heart and one mind and the fight against SARS. Although “SARS” brought disasters to people, it caused panic, disrupted the normal social life and caused economic losses to the community and industry