大数据的魅力不仅在于对企业的价值,大数据能够帮助政府部门和企业进行更科学的决策,对改善民生具有重大意义。在IBM与The Weather Company新的全球战略合作中,以上这三个场景在未来都可能得以实现。根据协议,The Weather Company旗下子公司WSI将会把自身大部分天气数据服务转移到IBM的云服务中去,这其中包括超过10万个信息收集传感器、飞行器和无人机,以及数百万部智能手机。据了解,这些数量庞大的数据服务每天可支持
The charm of big data lies not only in the value of the enterprise. Big data can help government departments and enterprises make more scientific decisions and is of great significance to improving people’s livelihood. In the new global strategic partnership between IBM and The Weather Company, all three of these scenarios are possible in the future. Under the agreement, WSI, a unit of The Weather Company, will transfer most of its weather data services to IBM’s cloud services, including more than 100,000 information-gathering sensors, aircraft and drones, and millions smart phone. It is understood that these large amounts of data services can be supported every day