中学阶段是学生身心发展的重要阶段。这一阶段,教师如不能因势利导,往往易发生意外,如学生离家出走、自杀等。特别是女学生,教师更应该多付出一些爱心,仔细观察、深入了解、细心研究分析其表现,摸清类型,对“症”施教。笔者根据多年班主任工作经验,结合生理学理论,把当前女中学生分为下列几个类型。 自强型 这类女学生思想成熟较早,上进心强,有极强的自我约束力、有较强的独立工作能力,能积极参加校、班组织的各项活动,能圆满完成老师布置的任务。学习目的明确,自我接受教育,自我磨砺意志。这类学生学习成绩较好、意志坚强。 自负型 这类学生往往成绩较好或家庭状况较好,自恃条件优越,孤芳自赏,独来独往。与同学格格不入,不关心集体,我行我素、对别人提出的意炖很难接受。其中一些成绩较好但家
Secondary school stage is an important stage of physical and mental development of students. At this stage, teachers are often prone to accidents if they can not make the best use of the situation. For example, students run away from home and commit suicide. In particular, girls students and teachers should pay more for their love, observe carefully, understand more deeply, carefully study and analyze their performance, find out the types, and teach “sickness.” According to many years of experience in charge of class teacher, combined with physiological theory, the current female secondary school students are divided into the following types. Self-improvement Such girls students mature earlier, motivated, have a strong self-binding, a strong ability to work independently, can actively participate in the activities of the school, class organization, the successful completion of the tasks assigned by the teacher . Learning purpose is clear, self-education, self-honed will. Such students better grades, strong-willed. Such students are often proud of such good grades or family status is better, depending on the conditions superior, solitary, lonely. Alien to the students, do not care about the collective, go its own course, the Italian proposed stew is difficult to accept. Some of them are better but at home