近来,一些研究者不约而同地 在退休年龄上打起了主意。 有的主张实行提前退休政 策,以解决企业富余人员问题,有的主张延长退休年龄,以解决养老保险基金供求失衡问题。一时间,围绕退休年龄问题尘埃四起,莫衷一是。究竟是提前退休还是延长退休年龄?目前,国家计委社会发展研究所社会保障室主任杨宜勇先生向记者阐述了他的看法。
Recently, some researchers spontaneously started their retirement age ideas. Some advocate the implementation of early retirement policy to solve the problem of redundant employees, and some advocates to extend the retirement age in order to solve the imbalance in supply and demand pension fund. For a time, the dust surrounding the issue of retirement has four different perspectives. Is it an early retirement or an extension of the retirement age? At present, Mr. Yang Yiyong, director of the Social Security Department of the State Development Planning Commission for Social Development, expounded his views to reporters.