毛泽东一向重视调查研究 ,他认为只有了解了中国国情 ,“踏着人生社会实际说话” ,才能获得改造中国的良方。邓小平说 :“毛泽东同志从参加共产主义运动 ,缔造我们党的最初年代开始 ,就一直提倡和实行对于社会客观情况的调查研究 ,就一直同理论脱离实际、一切只从主观愿望出发
Mao Zedong has always attached great importance to investigation and study. He believes that only by understanding China’s national conditions and “marching into the actual world of life and society” will it be possible to obtain the remedy for the transformation of China. Deng Xiaoping said: "Comrade Mao Tse-tung has been advocating and practicing investigation and study of social objective conditions since the early days of participating in the communist movement and building our party. He has been out of touch with the theory and all from his subjective desire