在嵌入式系统的中,通常需要一定的存储空间来存放系统程序、用户程序和其它数据.CF卡是目前使用较为广泛的存储设备,为方便数据交换,有必要在嵌入式系统中扩展CF卡接口.本文首先介绍了CF卡的基本结构、工作模式、内部寄存器和命令.然后基于SEP3203平台,介绍了工作在True IDE模式下CF卡的接口电路设计、基本读写操作流程以及在Fat16文件系统下的驱动程序设计.
In the embedded system, usually need some storage space to store system programs, user programs and other data.Cfc card is currently used in a wider range of storage devices, in order to facilitate data exchange, it is necessary to expand the CF card in the embedded system Interface.This paper first introduces the basic structure of the CF card, working mode, internal registers and commands.Then based on the SEP3203 platform, introduces the interface circuit design of the CF card working in the True IDE mode, the basic read and write operations flow and the Fat16 file system Under the driver design.