本文利用中国微观调查数据和省级宏观经济数据,运用ordered probit等计量模型研究了财政透明度、财政支出分权以及两者交互项对居民的四类公共服务满意度的影响。研究结果表明:财政透明度和财政支出分权对居民的四类公共服务满意度有不同程度的影响,并且两者的交互效应显著。夏普利值分解分析了各个宏观变量对四类公共服务满意度影响的相对贡献率,结果表明财政透明度、财政支出分权以及交互项的相对贡献率较高。因此,应通过提高财政透明度以及强化地方政府财政分权对公共服务供给的作用,进一步提升居民的公共服务满意度。
In this paper, we use the micro-survey data in China and provincial-level macroeconomic data to study the impact of fiscal transparency, fiscal decentralization, and the interaction between the two on the four types of public service satisfaction. The results show that fiscal transparency and fiscal decentralization have different degrees of impact on the four types of public service satisfaction, and the interaction effect between the two is significant. Shapley factorization analyzes the relative contributions of various macro variables to the satisfaction of the four types of public services. The results show that the relative contribution rate of fiscal transparency, fiscal decentralization, and interaction terms is high. Therefore, the public service satisfaction should be further improved by improving the fiscal transparency and strengthening the fiscal decentralization of local governments on the public service supply.