The application of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression(IPC)is mainly assessedas a prophylaxis against postoperational deep vein thrombosis (DVT) abroad.It is al-so beneficial in the treatment of peripheral vessel diseases such as venous stasis,lymph stasis and so on.The effect of IPC on the prophylaxis against DVT is optimalcomparing with low-numerator dextran and heparin.The method hasn’t bleed ten-dency which the medicine has.
The application of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) is mainly assessedas a prophylaxis against postoperational deep vein thrombosis (DVT) abroad. It is al-so beneficial in the treatment of peripheral vessel diseases such as venous stasis, lymph-stasis and so on. The effect of IPC on the prophylaxis against DVT is optimalcomparing with low-numerator dextran and heparin. The method has not bleed ten-dency which the medicine has.