看守所在押人员不供认犯罪,除了逃避打击心理、办案人员素质差、同案犯在逃、缺乏证据等原因外,还由于: 一、监管工作存在不足。一是监管工作意识偏差,监管部门和监管民警片面强调对在押人员的监、看、守,而对看守所还担负着打击犯罪和教育转化的职责重视不够,与办案单位协作配合差,对不认罪的在押人员法律政策宣传、教育感化工作不深入、不细致,没有开辟打击犯罪“第
Detention center detainees do not confess guilt, in addition to escape the psychological attack, the quality of investigators poor, with the accomplices fled, the lack of evidence and other reasons, but also because: First, the lack of regulatory work. First, the regulatory oversight bias, regulatory agencies and supervisory police unilaterally stressed that the detention of detainees, watching, keeping, and the detention center also bear the responsibility to combat crime and education conversion is not enough, and the handling units cooperate with poor, pleaded not guilty Of detainees legal and policy propaganda, education is not in-depth work, not meticulous, did not open up the fight against crime "