潘天寿说:“格调是比较抽象的东西,说到底就是精神境界。文艺作品,归根结底是在写自己、画自己,它不是江湖骗术,而是人的内心精神的结晶。”高格调才能出高境界的作品,所以潘天寿深刻地指出:“艺术之高下,终在境界。境界层上,一步一重天。虽咫尺之隔,往往辛苦一世,未必梦见。”鉴赏潘天寿作品以格调高低为标准,断不会错。 潘天寿的作品显示的是高格调的阳刚之美,风格特别鲜明,无论是青
Pan Tianshou said: “style is more abstract things, in the final analysis is the spiritual realm .After all, literary and artistic works, in writing is to write their own, it is not rivers and lacks trickery, but the crystallization of human psychology.” Realm of work, so Pan Tianshou profoundly pointed out: “The art of high, finally in the realm. Realm layers, step by step .Although close, often hard times, may not have dreamed.” Appreciation of Pan Tianshou works in order to style As a standard, it will not be wrong. Pan Tianshou’s work shows a high style of masculine beauty, the style is particularly distinctive, whether it is green