这幅作品是卡拉瓦乔受人委托,专门为朱斯蒂尼亚侯爵而画的。该作品据穆托拉抒情诗集前言中记载,大约完成于1601年——1602年之间。由于此画的缘故,卡拉瓦乔被罗马红衣主教开释,重新获得了自由。 画中的爱神既精明又傲慢,但并非英勇而完美。他的姿势看起来仿佛出自于米开朗基罗的作品《胜利》,然而又不象《胜利》中那个不稳定的,坐在马鞍上的英雄。
This painting was commissioned by Caravaggio and dedicated to the Marquis of Justinia. The work, recorded in the foreword to the Mottola lyric poetry, was completed approximately between 1601 and 1602. Due to this painting, Caravaggio was freed by the Cardinal in Rome. The love of God in the picture is both smart and arrogant, but not brave and perfect. His posture seems to have come from Michelangelo’s “Victory,” yet not as an unstable saddle-backed hero in Victory.