
来源 :中学生百科·高中语数外 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmilyuho
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  A friend of mine met with good fortunes in quick succession after he was signed as a writer with The Readers, a highly popular magazine in China. He was admitted, first of all, into the provincial Writers’ Association(作家协会). And then, a cashier(出纳) as he had been, he was offered a position to teach in an institute(学院) of literature. That year he was only 28 years old, but had already published literary works of about 600,000 Chinese characters.
  Many students were filled with admiration for his achievement. Quite a few literature fans went to him for advice. “Sir, would you share with us your secret for writing so successfully?”
  He replied candidly(坦白地), “Yes. Just one word—passion.”
  “Then, how much passion do we need if we want to write as well as you do?” they pressed him.
  “One foot deep,” answered my friend.
  One-foot-deep passion? A perplexed(疑惑) look appeared on their faces. My friend took them home and fetched out a bundle of used writing paper from under his bed: all the sheets were filled with small and closely-written characters. Those were his rejected(被拒绝的) manuscripts, a good foot in thickness.
  “If you want to achieve something in writing, you must maintain a passion that’s one foot feet. In other words, you should keep on writing until your rejected manuscripts accumulate(累加) to one foot thick. During this period, you must not become impatient or sink into despair. Only with expectation and passion can you have confidence and hope for the future,” he told his students.
  Enlightened by his words, the students came to realize that success in writing is not something easy to come by. On the contrary, it requires painstaking efforts. They looked enthusiastic and eager to have a try right away.
  But my friend continued, “There is one thing you must bear in mind: The passion can only be one foot deep! If after practising countless times and your writing still remains at the level of a high school student, you might as well try something else, lest(免得) you get into a blind alley. Any further attempt will just mean a waste of your time and talent.”
  Indeed, whatever we do, we should do it with deep, persevering passion. However, if our exertion(努力) has proved to be fruitless, we should quit(退出) as soon as possible and try something different while we are young. Success may be at the corner just when we switch over to a new direction.
  I. Reading comprehension Choose the best answers after reading the passage thoroughly.
  1. The first paragraph tells us ________.
  A. when the author’s friend became famous
  B. why the author’s friend taught in an institute of literature
  C. how the author’s friend became a teacher and writer of literature
  D. what the author’s friend had achieved in literature
  2. From this passage we see the passion for writing ________.
  A. can be measured directly
  B. may be measured in some way
  C. should be kept forever
  D. must be one foot deep
  3. Which of the following is true according to this passage?
  A. Passion goes with interest, confidence, expectation and patience.
  B. If you’re signed with a famous magazine you’ll be a writer and teacher.
  C. Before you become a writer, you have to write one-foot-deep manuscripts.
  D. If you want to be a writer, you should first try to test your talent of literature.
  4. The author intends to say ________.
  A. the more passion you have, the better you write
  B. there’s no secret for writing successfully
  C. the idea that hardworking is all is not right
  D. why someone succeeds easily
  II. Writing practising Fill in the following blanks according to the passage you’ve read.
  If we want to do well in writing, we must keep 1. We must keep on writing without 2. We should be full of 3 for the future. Also we ought to take 4 to try it on. But we must bear in mind that we should quit in time 5 countless times and the efforts have proved to be fruitless, and that we should try something different while we are young, for success may lie 6.
  Ⅱ.1. a deep passion2. impatience and despair3. confidence and expectation
  4. painstaking efforts5. when we’ve practised6. in a new direction
各种阅读测试中有些是考查考生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物语气、言谈话语中流露的情绪、性格倾向和作者或文中人物态度、观点等方面的理解题。做这一类题时一定要注意:  1)由表及里的准确把握字里行间的意思,切勿用自己的主观想法或观点代替作者的思想观点。  2)特别注意那些描写环境气氛的语言,以及表达感情、态度观点的词语。要特别注意作者在文章中的措词,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词。  3)能结合自己平时积累
I had been swimming competitively for about five years and was ready to quit, not because I had satisfied my desire to swim, but because I felt I was horrible at it. I was often the only African Ameri
细节判断题需要你们眼疾手快、心灵手巧,它不需要你的脑袋瓜拐很多弯儿,你只需要有一双火眼金睛。  所以做细节判断题的时候,惯用绝招是“狂扫”,扫了第一遍,没找着!那就来扫第二遍!怎么?还是没有?再扫一遍,准有!扫到第三遍还没有的话……你就要再仔细斟酌这是不是细节判断题了。当然啦,要达到第一遍就找得到正确答案的境界,就得多练,掐着时间多练——这可是送分的题哪!  这种题型一般包括:排列时间顺序,找原因
搬入新居整一年,上个月终于把床下压着的几箱杂志卖掉了。  那些杂志里有一半是我小时候费功夫“偷”来的,开箱上秤时好几次出现反悔不卖的念头,所以一本本拿起来翻看,翻到最后突然想起一个“伟大梦想”。  其实是小时候的事了。  我家住在草原,许多年里只订过两种杂志,一种是给我读的《儿童画报》,另一种是给哥哥读的《童话大王》。不过我读《儿童画报》时还不太识字,故事全靠看图瞎猜,翻来覆去看的次数多了,自己竟
细想起来,我的整个少女时期,可以用惨淡来形容。  从初中开始,我便怀揣一种莫名的自卑,嫌弃自己的大象腿和小雀斑,用长长的刘海遮住眼睛,甚至恨不得被所有人忽略。谁会喜欢一个郁郁寡欢又不漂亮的女孩子呢?因此我的朋友很少,连老爸都奇怪地问我:“你的身上怎么没有一点活力?”  于是,阅读杂志成为我生活的出口。  从12岁开始,我便经常把早餐钱拿来买杂志。我每期必买的杂志有很多,比如《萌芽》《最小说》,这些
It was my first day at school. I felt nervous and scared.  I went to all my classes with 1 friends. I felt like no one 2 .  I listened 3 to all the lessons and waited for lunch 4 at one. Then finally
(一)  林瑄仍在给我写信,我也仍在给她回,昨天收到后一数抽屉里的存货——143封。一个月两封,那么,到手头上的第144封,恰好为时六年。或许她也在默默记着时间。这一封比以前的都要厚。  黄色的标准信封里,躺着一个稍小的绿色信封。上面重新写了一遍寄件人与收件人的姓名地址,以及寄出那天的日期。三天前。  叶林瑄。  多了一个字。  我小心翼翼拆开,她装得很好,使我可以不破坏信封地取出信。厚厚两叠。我
高一的一天下午,我像往常一样走在去学校的路上。一只鸟儿从远方飞来,经过我头顶,盘旋一会儿后,又向远方飞去。它没有任何牵绊,自由自在地飞翔在无边无际的天空。天空没有留下它的痕迹。我看着它潇洒远去的身影,突然间心里微微一动。  身边走过行色匆匆的学长学姐,他们脸上紧张的表情让我害怕,让我对自己的明天开始有所怀疑。我不由得驻足继续望着天空。手上还拿着昨天考试的试卷,鲜红的数字映入双眼,我不禁自嘲了一番—
和《儿童文学》相遇可以说是命中注定,毕竟是它主动找上门来的。  小学四年级的时候,我还只知道玩乐,对一应杂志都不甚关心。直到有一天,爸爸带回来了一大包《儿童文学》,原来是开报亭的郝叔叔送的。抱着不看白不看的想法,我与它进行了第一次会晤。  “哇,这封面也太美了吧!”  “啧啧,这故事有点儿意思。”  “嗯,可以一看。”  没想到,我一遇“美人”误终身,且欲求同伴共相乐。不过,我还没找到同盟,就陷入
我与《花火》初遇,要感谢一场滂沱大雨的撮合。  十年前的某天,我在外面逛街,倾盆大雨下得猝不及防,我匆匆跑到路边书店的屋檐下避雨。雨势丝毫没有停下的迹象,我索性不着急回家,想着不如去逛逛书店,也许还能发现几本好书。  其实,我并不常逛书店。一是,那时读的课外书早被学校和家长安排得明明白白,书架上全是统一采购的经典名著,并没有逛书店的必要;二是,我对书店的印象来自校门外的几家书店,店里卖的都是辅导书