中国汽车工业经过30多年的发展,已基本形成具有相当规模的汽车工业制造体系,特别是改革开放的10多年,汽车工业发展迅速。1979年至1988年,全国共生产汽车327万辆,是1979年以前24年总产量的2.3倍,年产量平均递增15.7%;生产的基本车型产品发展到六大类96个系列,专用车辆品种发展到5种结构形式450多个品种;引进的先进技术达200多项。汽车工业已成为国民经济的重要产业之一。 但是,中国汽车工业在发展过程中,也还存在不少问题,特别是结构不合理的矛盾尤为突出。首先是投资分散,据1988年统计,全国有大大小小汽车制造厂120多家,年产汽车64万辆,平均每厂约5000辆。其
After more than 30 years of development, the Chinese automobile industry has basically formed a considerable scale of the automobile industry manufacturing system, especially the reform and opening up more than 10 years, the rapid development of the automotive industry. From 1979 to 1988, a total of 3.27 million automobiles were produced in the country, which was 2.3 times the total output for the 24 years before 1979, and the annual production increased by an average of 15.7%. The basic model products produced have grown to six categories and 96 series. The company has developed more than 450 varieties of five types of structures; more than 200 advanced technologies have been introduced. The automobile industry has become one of the important industries of the national economy. However, there are still many problems in the development process of China’s auto industry, especially the irrational structure. The first is investment decentralization. According to 1988 statistics, there are more than 120 large and small car manufacturers across the country, with an annual output of 640,000 cars, with an average of 5,000 vehicles per plant. its