我们于1997年9月—12月对我市的部分高危人群进行了性病艾滋病的知识(K)、态度(A)、信念(B)和行为(P)调查。现就调查情况分析如下:1. 调查对象和方法1.1 对象:以我市一般高危人群(食品及公共场所从业人员,长途货运司机等)和特殊高危人群(劳教?
We conducted STD / AIDS (K), Attitude (A), Belief (B) and Behavior (P) surveys of some high-risk groups in our city from September to December 1997. Analysis of the investigation is as follows: 1. Subjects and methods 1.1 Object: Take the city high risk groups (food and public places practitioners, long-distance freight drivers, etc.) and special high-risk groups (re-education?