一、服务员个人卫生要求 餐厅服务员直接接触客人和食物,为了防止将致 病菌带入食物、疾病传染给客人,服务员要养成良好的 卫生习惯。 (一)定期体检 新员工在上岗前必须进行体检, 取得健康证后才能上岗。老员工每年定期进行1-2次 体检。如果查出患有传染病或其他不能从事餐饮工作 的疾病,如痢疾、伤寒、病毒性肝炎、活动性肺结核、化
First, the waiter personal hygiene restaurant waiter direct contact with guests and food, in order to prevent the pathogenic bacteria into food, the disease transmitted to the guests, waiters to develop good health habits. (A) regular physical examination of new employees must be in the pre-job examination, obtain a health certificate before induction. Old staff regularly conduct 1-2 times a year physical examination. If you detect outbreaks of infectious diseases or other diseases that can not be engaged in food and beverage work, such as diarrhea, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, active tuberculosis,