Insulin continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSII), the insulin pump treatment. As one of the best options for intensive care, the number of patients currently using insulin pumps continues to increase, especially in children and adolescents. Insulin pump can glycosylated hemoglobin faster compliance, and less blood sugar fluctuations, reducing the incidence of hypoglycemia, to solve the dawn phenomenon. Insulin pumps are the optimal choice for patients who experience severe hypoglycemia, high baseline HbA1c levels, or multiple hypodermic injections of insulin and blood glucose fluctuations. Taking into account the effects of blood sugar control, quality of life, and the flexibility to adjust insulin dosage based on physical activity and food intake, the insulin pump is still superior to subcutaneous multiple injections of insulin. The limiting factor for insulin pump applications is the high price. Quantitative analysis of many current studies have shown that insulin pump for those patients wearing glycated hemoglobin before and after a significant decline in the number of low blood sugar significantly reduced the cost is the highest. However, the impact of insulin pumps on quality of life is difficult to quantify. Insulin pump manufacturers continue to update the advanced features of insulin pump, placed the hope of the artificial pancreas, the current variety of advanced features more humane and intelligent. In conclusion, as a clinician and patient, insulin pump therapy does not simply carry an external instrument. Insulin pump therapy requires a team that needs to be educated about the patient’s knowledge and a good follow-up.