目的 在皮内注药治疗疱疹后神经痛(postherpetic neuralgia PHN)有效的基础上,通过动物实验探讨其疗效机制的神经学基础。方法 在家兔肩胛区皮内分别注射辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)和荧光素核黄(NY),用神经逆行追踪法研究皮内神经末梢到神经节神经细胞的上行轴浆流通道及初级神经元分布规律。结果 皮内注射HRP、NY分别在C4-T10脊神经节、颈、胸交感神经节、腹腔神经节、标记到神经细胞,脊神经节在C6-T8标记的细胞较多,交感神经节比脊神经节标记的细胞多,荧光标记神经细胞分布范围与HRP法基本一致或前后各多一个节段,而相同节段的标记神经细胞数明显比HRP标记的多。结论 动物实验从形态学上验证了皮内神经末梢到神经节神经细胞的上行轴浆流通道及初级神经元分布规律,皮内注药治疗PHN疗效可能与此通道有关。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the neurological basis of its therapeutic mechanism through intradermal injection of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Methods Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and fluorescein (NY) were injected intradermally into the scapular region of rabbits to study the up-stream axon channels of intradermal nerve endings to the ganglion neurons by neural retrograde tracing method. Primary neurons distribution. RESULTS: Intradermal injection of HRP and NY in C4-T10 spinal ganglia, cervical and thoracic sympathetic ganglia, celiac ganglion and neural cell labeling showed that there were more C6-T8-labeled cells in spinal ganglia and more sympathetic ganglia than those in spinal ganglion The number of labeled neurons in the same segment was significantly higher than that in HRP. Conclusion The animal experiment verified morphologically the up-stream axonal flow channel and primary neuron distribution in the intradermal nerve endings to the ganglion neurons. The therapeutic effect of intradermal injection of PHN may be related to this channel.