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阿拉伯语是当代一门重要的世界性语言。阿拉伯语是西亚和非洲26个国家和地区的官方语言,其中大部分为阿拉伯国家。阿拉伯语也是联合国六大工作语言之一。同时,阿拉伯语是以《占兰经》为首的伊斯兰教经典所使用的语言,是全世界穆斯林的宗 Arabic is an important contemporary world language. Arabic is the official language in 26 countries and territories in West Asia and Africa, most of which are Arab countries. Arabic is also one of the six major working languages ​​of the United Nations. At the same time, Arabic is the language used by the Islamic scriptures headed by the Holy Land, and is the case of Muslims throughout the world