
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangchq
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Based on frequency response and convex optimization,a novel optimal control system was developed for chemical processes.The feedforward control is designed to improve the tracking performance of closed loop chemical systems.The parametric model is not required because the system directly utilizes the frequency response of the loop transfer function,which can be measured accurately.In particular,the extremal values of magnitude and phase can be solved according to constrained quadratic programming optimizer and convex optimization.Simulation examples show the effectiveness of the method.The design method is simple and easily adopted in chemical industry. Based on frequency response and convex optimization, a novel optimal control system was developed for chemical processes. The feedforward control is designed to improve the tracking performance of closed loop chemical systems.The parametric model is not required because the system directly utilizes the frequency response of the loop transfer function, which can be measured accurately.In particular, the extremal values ​​of magnitude and phase can be solved according to constrained quadratic programming optimizer and convex optimization. Simulation examples show the effectiveness of the method.The design method is simple and easily adopted in chemical industry.
“博物馆”一词,源于希腊文“缪斯庵” (Museion),原意为“祭祀缪斯的地方”。缪斯是希腊神话中掌管科学与艺术的九位神女的通称,她们分别掌管着历史、天文、史诗、情诗、抒
患者女,16岁.因月经不调2年,右下腹胀痛2个月于2002年8月15日入院.2年前出现阴道不规则出血伴身体发胖、全身毛发增多增粗,时感腹痛、腹胀,2个月前无诱因突然出现下腹部持续性胀痛入院.肛门指检:右附件处可及一直径约10 cm大包块,边界尚清,活动可,子宫及左附件无异常.B超检查:右附件区可见一7.2 cm×10.8 cm×11.0 cm大小实质性团块,血流尚丰富,左卵巢常大.实验室检查:除血
In this paper,the northern mountainous area of Fuzhou City which is an ungauged basin has been taken for example to discuss the method of design flood calculati